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Kallie Falandays, Elizabeth Onusko, Elsbeth Pancrazi and Jessica Cuello

Elizabeth Onusko is the author of Portrait of the Future with Trapdoor, which received the Bryant-Lisembee Book Prize and was published by Red Paint Hill in 2016. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Witness, Best New Poets 2015, Conduit, DIAGRAM, Sixth Finch, Fugue, The Awl, and Redivider, among others. She is the editor of Foundry and assistant editor of inter|rupture. Her website is

Kallie Falandays is the author of Dovetail Down the House (Burnside Review Press), All the Water All the Waves (dancing girl press) and Tiny Openings Everywhere (Upper Rubber Boot Books). You can read more of her work in Black Warrior Review, CutBank, Salt Hill, Puerto del Sol, and elsewhere. She lives in Philadelphia, where she runs Tell Tell Poetry, a poetry resource site.

Elsbeth Pancrazi’s first collection of poems, Full Body Pleasure Suit, will be published in February 2017 as the 2016 Wrolstad Contemporary Poetry Series Selection from Tavern Books. Elsbeth has been recognized as a Poets House Fellow and an artist-in-residence at Caldera Arts in Sisters, Oregon. Her work has appeared in A Public Space; Best New Poets 2013; BOMBlog; Forklift, Ohio; H_ngm_n; and Sixth Finch, among others. By day, she is a fundraising professional at Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Jessica Cuello’s first book, Pricking, was published by Tiger Bark Press in 2016. Her second collection, Hunt, was the winner of The 2016 Washington Prize from The Word Works and will appear in March 2017. Jessica is also the author of the chapbooks My Father’s Bargain (2015), By Fire (2013), and Curie (2011). She was the winner of The 2013 New Letters Poetry Prize, a winner of LUMINA’s poetry contest (selected by Carolyn Forché), the recipient of a 2015 Saltonstall Writing Fellowship and the recipient of the 2014 Decker Award from Hollins University for outstanding teaching.